Wednesday, June 29, 2011


The thing is I'm not a movie goer. I only watch selected movies and I only watch movie with Superman. And he lives 350 kilometres away from me. Hence I missed a lot of great movies.

Tunggu raya jelah keluar kat TV. :(

The Same Old Feeling

I can't believe after all these years, I can still have this same old feeling, but this time it's towards a totally different man.

I wasn't very much a loyal lover previously, probably I didn't even know how to love and all. And when I found the one I loved so much years back, I felt great. I had the motivation to wake up every morning just to wait for his phone calls or SMS, and my days were spent staring at his photos and counting days for our upcoming dates.

After he had called off our relationship, I kinda lost the spirit to love and be loved. I didn't have the guts to be in a serious relationship.

This mundane routine remained even until the day I met Superman. We had this very casual relationship. If he feels like calling, he would. And I didn't dare making the first stride contacting him. That went on for several months.

Then we became somehow serious. Conversations on marriage took place. We then got involved with each other's family affairs and so on. But there was no romantic feeling whatsoever. It was all casual.

Until recently. I don't hell know where all this mushy, romance come from. I miss him every second right now. I have every intention of staring at his photo every now and then. I feel like calling him just to hear his voice, or if he's asleep I'd watch the video I've taken months back.

I'm in cloud nine. And I can't believe I can still have this same old feeling, but this time it's towards a totally different man.

I love you :)
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