Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Halloween Diary

He seldom says "I love you". He calls me "sayang" very occasionally. He's never sweet to me.

He goes back to his hometown that's 300km away every weekend. Now that he stays about 20km from me, we still meet once a fortnight.

And last night I whined about not having to meet that often. I complained about missing him a lot. He nagged at me and told me off because I wanted to go to his area and pay him a visit and have dinner together. He left me with a long face during the whole phone conversation. And that was the last time we spoke since yesterday.

Today, at 6.25pm, I received a phone call from him. "Jom jumpa, saya datang tempat awak, bawa awak dinner."

He never said he missed me, but I know he does because he shows.

Maybe it's true he's not a "say-er". Maybe he's a "show-er".

Tonight Imma have a dinner with my Superman :)

-30th Oct 2011
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