Monday, August 16, 2010

Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

I am prejudice. I am somehow skeptical towards certain class of people who seem smart from the outside, but nothing in the inside.

I am prejudice. I judge people based on the way the talk or communicate. The language used, as well as their content point. This determines their IQ level as per my standard.

Jadi sekarang, I tak peduli sama ada you merupakan seorang Doktor Falsafah mahupun tidak, sekiranya cara komunikasi you tidak mencapai tahap piawaian I, you're still zero in my eyes.

Ada ke patut I dapat mesej sebegini:

"T sy msg n awk lik ye."

Translated as (I suppose): Nanti saya mesejkan awak balik ye.


1 comment:

malekabdillah said...

dang. kita memang sependapat kalau bab macam ni. hahaha

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