Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kaya Itu Berdosa, Miskin Itu Bersyukur

I don't know what has gotten into some people. They made striving to attain success in life (or directly speaking; berusaha untuk mengumpul kekayaan) sounds like a big sin.

You don't have to tell me about syukur. I am content with what I am having at present. But why is it so wrong if I say my dreams are to drive my own Jaguar S-type and Audi Q5, to own a mansion in Mont Kiara, to travel around the world with future hubby and to own a foundation for those having kidney complications?

They made it sound so wrong for having such desires, and the steps taken to fulfill them. 

You see, different people aim different things in life. Those things pre-exist in different fields. Some people wish to succeed politically, to be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia, and by whatever means, whether they'd have to play dirty or not.

To some, success means becoming a Doctor of Philosophy. Academic success is their objective of life.

But to me, success means being wealthy. Doesn't mean the other aspects of life including the here-after are left behind. They work in parallel. If you don't get His barakah, how on earth are you going to achieve your goal?

People are skeptical about being rich. To them rich people are bad, they aren't religious, they drink, they party and whatnot. To them poor people are pious, they perform solah all the times, the wajib and the sunnah, they're classified as "golongan yang bersyukur dengan nikmat Allah."

Those who perceive that way are those who haven't had the taste of wealth. Tahu ke mereka dengan kekayaan yang ada pahala kau akan lagi banyak? You can sedekah more, you can perform umrah annually, you can exercise all the good deeds without having to worry of other things like not enough food to feed your family.

I am disgusted with this kind of mentality. Sebab mindset yang kebanyakan orang Melayu, Islam ni peganglah, ramai budak-budak kecil yang berdiri tepi bank sana-sini minta derma kebajikan untuk masjidlah, sekolahlah dan sebagainya. Why don't I see beggars (oh, or what they term as "donation collector") asking money to build church, temples or a convent school?

Sebab tulah most of the times the non-Muslims perceive Muslims as being extremists but poor.

I'm not letting that kind of mentality spread in the community anymore. And for that matter, I am going to start with a change.

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